It's Over. It was Fabulous (even though it rained).

Here are a few pics for the curious. More to come soon.
The honeymoon was absolutely dreamy too.


The gifts are rolling in as we approach the big day! Today, this arrived in our inbox. Thanks Uncle Norman!
Crystal Marc Jacobs planter at Macy's

Well Suited

So, my AC is a... procrastinator. He still had not bought his wedding suit at 16 days before our wedding. He has a great suit that could have worked in a crunch, but we both wanted him to take his time and buy something he really loved for our big day.
Over lunch last week, we headed to Paul Smith. He had done the rounds at Barney's and Saks (thank you!), so he knew they had a fit that he liked. After a little nervous fun, we found his suit... yay!

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A Farm Fresh Wedding by cdm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.